Every trucker puts in the work each day when they drive their trucks hundreds of miles in order to deliver goods in a timely fashion. America’s trucking industry is one of the staples of our economy, so it’s important to make sure that every trucker is capable of doing their work without becoming overly fatigued.

If you manage a fleet or drive a truck independently, then you know that sleeping in your truck is sometimes a necessity in order to save money or meet deadlines. But it can be hard to get to sleep in an unusual environment if you don’t take the time to set up a quality resting space.

DeBary Truck Sales in Sanford is your Florida truck dealer. Here are our tips for making sure you get the best sleep possible in your truck cab.

1. Choose a Safe Spot

While it might be tempting to pull over wherever to take a snooze, it’s much better to avoid remote and rural locations when it’s time to rest. Choose a more secure area such as a truck stop or other area with people around so that you aren’t stranded by yourself. You can always park towards the back of a truck stop to avoid the lights and noise generated by other drivers.

2. Block Out Light

If you’ve got bright street lights or spotlights or headlights shining through your windows, it’s going to be tough to fall asleep. Wearing a simple fabric sleep mask can help to block out light so you can get your rest. You can also put up blackout curtains on your windows or use some kind of shade to make your cab as dark as possible.

3. Make Things Cozy

Comfort is key when it comes to getting quality slumber. If your current mattress isn’t the most comfortable, it may be time to upgrade or add a mattress pad to improve it. A good, firm pillow will help support your neck and prevent back and shoulder pain, which can be excruciating when you spend your days sitting behind the wheel. A lightweight duvet will help you stay warm without being stifling, and you can bring additional fleece blankets or a thick quilt if you’re driving north during the winter.

4. Additional Suggestions

While you might want to use caffeine during the day to stay pepped up for driving, try to limit your intake after noon and avoid drinking any type of energy drink or caffeinated beverage during the evening. Stop using devices an hour before bed to prevent disturbances in your sleep cycle. Make sure that you have earplugs in case there’s excess noise outside. Use a fan or a portable heater to adjust the temperature of your cab to your liking: slightly cool is best for sleep.

In search of trucks for sale in Florida? Stop by our dealership in Sanford, FL, today to check out our amazing selection of new and used trucks for sale. DeBary Truck Sales proudly serves the greater Atlanta, GA, metropolitan area as well as all of our Florida customers.