How to Clean Your Semi Truck Interior
There are many steps to semi truck maintenance, from regular oil changes to measuring your tire pressure. One often overlooked step is cleaning the interior of your semi truck. It may sound like a trivial aesthetic issue, but having a clean interior improves your visibility through your windshield and reduces the chance of pests making your rig their home. We've gathered up the various cleaning tasks to help you get started. If you want more maintenance tips or want to explore semi trucks for sale, head over to DeBary Truck Sales. We are a semi truck dealer based in Sanford, Florida. We also proudly serve those in Atlanta, Georgia.
1. Remove All Trash
Trash can quickly build up in your semi truck cab. This does more than add unappealing clutter—any trash with crumbs or scents can tempt pests to come inside your vehicle and build a nest. These can be unpleasant to uncover on the road (such as a spider descending down from the roof in front of your face) and can result in damage (such as a rodent gnawing through a wire).
Keep a trash bag in your cab so you can easily contain any garbage you accumulate throughout your trip. Once you arrive at a rest stop or your destination, you can throw your trash away.
2. Regularly Vacuum
As you walk about work sites or truck stops, a layer of gunk and dirt gets built up on your shoes. Anytime you step into your cab, you bring that grime inside and it can create a mess surprisingly fast. A quick vacuuming will help clean the area right up.
But first, you will want to take out any floor mats or covers so you can reach the gunk underneath them. Then vacuum up the area. You can also use the long vacuum attachment, which will allow you to reach difficult spots, such as around the pedals and under the seats.
Before you put the mats back, give them a quick clean. Sometimes you can simply shake them to get the dust off. Plastic mats can be rinsed off with a hose. Or you can use the vacuum on your mats as well.
3. Clean the Windows
Keeping your windows clean helps ensure you can clearly see out of them and spot upcoming obstacles. A standard window cleaner is all you need for your windows and mirror. Some semi trucks can be cleaned with the newspaper and paper towel trick, but don't do this on tinted windows since this method can hurt the tint.
4. Clean the Leather Seats
Before you use any cleaner on leather seats, you will want to ensure the product is specially designed to work with leather. Otherwise, you could end up damaging the leather and leaving a stain. Once you find the right product, you will also want to get a soft towel to scrub the seats.
We hope you found our cleaning guide useful. For more advice or to shop semi trucks for sale, visit DeBary Truck Sales in Sanford, FL. Our expert staff is ready to answer questions, provide advice, and help you with whatever you need.